25th November 2010.
Currently listening to: Ain't No Sunshine by Bill Withers.
Finally got a bit of spare time today and decided to make some cookies. Easiest thing to bake, ever!
I pinched the recipe from a friend, experimented a few times and finally feel like i've got it just right.
I've attached lots of photos to describe the process!
Okay, Heres what I used:
300g chocolate. I like to use chocolate buttons, and a mixture of milk and white!
200g soft unsalted butter
100g caster sugar
300g plain flour
150g soft light brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp bicarb soda.
I preheated the oven to 180 degrees C and got myself some baking trays. I used three because the cookies spread a lot and I wanted to give them their room to grow! I lined each with re-usable baking parchment. Now ready for the good stuff..
The card suggests breaking the chocolate up, which I used to do. But now I have chocolate drops. (See below, the beautiful jars of chocolate!)
I sliced up the butter into little cubes and placed all the sugar in one bowl. I.e. the caster sugar and the soft light brown sugar. Then whizzed them up in the mixer until creamy.
Once creamy add the flour and eggs. Beat the eggs before hand. Then add the tsp of bicarb and tsp of vanilla. Although I like to have a rough measurement of vanilla because I really like the taste of it! Mix that all together and every so often lift the head of the mixer up and peel off the mixture from tool. (? utensil..hm..i'm sure it'll have a technical name.)
Now for the best bit! Add the chocolate.
As promised above, here are the jars of chocolate..
Once the chocolate is added, give it a twirl round to make sure it is distributed around the mixture. Then it's ready to be prepped for the oven..
For a while I used an ice-cream scoop to scoop on the mixture to the tray. But, that made them really big and only got about 6 cookies out of the mixture. So, of course, I changed that method and now just do rough spoonfuls and a bit of prodding with my fingers to position them. Fill up the trays and put them in the oven for roughly 10-12minutes.
I find that the trick to having a soft centre in a cookie is to leave it in for about 9 minutes and let them cool for a long time. This makes them soft always, just like Marks and Spencers cookies! (Aspiring to taste as good as them, if not better.)
After they come out the oven, let them cool on the baking tray until they look like they can be scooped up without cracking and misbehaving. Then transfer them to a wire rack or a storage box.
They aren't perfect but I think that is what's great about them. They are unique and a little bit quirky.
Make these again and again and again. Can never get bored of cookies.
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