Tuesday, 21 December 2010

My blog has moved house..

Hi guys, i rarely used this blog but I have moved blog to a better, more professional blog.

Little Messy La.

La xo

Wednesday, 15 December 2010



I woke up and found the Shoeologist was giving away a pair of wellie boots! In scotland we NEED wellies. I hope I win! 


Sunday, 5 December 2010


I am looking forward to this particular sunday today to get some more crafts done. I work at the local chinese restaurant answering the phones - to make some extra money for crafts- and last night was the most difficult shift I have <b>EVER</b> done. Must be an uproar in chinese towards christmas!
Anywho, So today my plan was to make some more christmas decorations and even wrap some of the ones i've made already. How exciting! I like wrapping the presents because then the names can be ticked off and they are complete.
Also, mum has asked me to make a wine holder out of felt. Hm. sounds a bit of a challenge but I think I am up to it!

Well keep everyone up to date on today's craft adventures. (Unfortunately only till 5 oclock, then I have to go to work! :()

Seeeeee ya


Thursday, 2 December 2010


A non-craft-related blog. Do you ever forget you have something? Especially something that is so hard to forget! Well I forgot i had a tattoo. And i felt bad for the little guy. So I am posting a picture of the little caterpillar to let him know, you aren't being neglected wee chap!

La Xo 
P.s. Also got a little hair cut today. in a wee bob with it getting longer at the front!

Wednesday, 1 December 2010


This week has been a dream. No university due to the snow and have basically been snowed in!
So what i've done the whole week is crafty things - and loved every minute! Today I got up quite early and made a list of what i had to do..

By eye mask I mean that on Red Velvet Art there is a picture of two hand-made looking eye-masks that you would wear when you were sleeping and felt that this would be a great thing to make for me and for christmas presents! Cannot believe how amazing crafts are.. things like the masks for example. I was going to buy one in topshop for about £6, and have now made a lovely one with big exaggerated eye lashes! It is just brilliant. 
They aren't completely finished yet because I needed some elastic to finish them off. I did something silly with the elastic tho. I asked Cam to pick me up 2metres of elastic and I meant to say 1cm thick. But for some reason i said 5 cm thick..so it is rather large! so will have to cut it and hope that it doesn't fray! 

I hope people are reading my blog, I want to really hit it off in the blogging world! 
